Upcycling is for Boys too!

posted in: Sewing, Tutorials | 0

I know upcycled dresses are all over for girls, but what about those boys?  As a mom of 2 boys it can be hard at times to find cute boy patterns that age appropriate yet school worthy for my 7.5yr … Read More

365 Days of Pinterest: Day 12 ~ Unicorn Poop!

This is just another  great thing I stumbled upon on Pinterest and wanted to share for 365 Days of Pinterest! One thing I can say is that I can always find something I haven’t seen before on Pinterest!  Today’s pin is comical … Read More

365 Days of Pinterest: Day 11 ~ Scarf Organization!

posted in: 365 Days of Pinterest | 3

This is just another  great thing I stumbled upon on Pinterest and wanted to share for 365 Days of Pinterest! Today I stumbled across this today when I got on to Pinterest.  I have to say I have a decent amount of … Read More

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